Mastering Your Inventory Data


februari 7, 2023
3 min read

Discover new inventory optimization features that enable you to manage item-specific data across your network at the click of a button, to fine-tune the flow of goods.

Mastering Your Inventory Data

These days, even though many businesses realize the need to invest in inventory management tools to provide visibility and optimize their inventory, many are still reluctant to make the investment and effort needed. Here at AGR Dynamics, we not only optimize your inventory with automation, we also empower you by giving you full control of the master data, in terms of the order logic and forecast settings in the user interface. In our latest release, AGR version 6.3, we introduce new features that enable you to manage item-specific data across your network at the click of a button and allow your team to work from a single version of the truth

The Bulk Update feature is an important step toward empowering the user to control, forecast, and order logic-specific data. In a user-friendly environment, we have included all editable settings from the item card, now on a scalable platform. The feature is available both in Items and Reports and allows any kind of drill-down before applying an update.

The Order Coverage Days feature is now available in the user interface to empower our users to fine-tune the flow of goods. The goal is to run regular order proposals to avoid stock-out, but only order when you truly need to. The feature is guided on two parameters:

1) How often would you like to check on the order need? 

2) when you need to order, for how many days would you like the order to cover? 

By utilizing this feature AGR enables you to keep your order quantities economical, reduce handling costs and minimize the risk of going out of stock. 

Another exciting new feature in AGR version 6.3, is that you now get valuable inventory insights both high level and at SKU level, creating a single version of the truth throughout the company. Providing valuable and practical insights for better inventory management, where we help phase-in and phase-out items as well as balance your overall stock requirements.

These Inventory Insights are visualized in the item card, designed to catch the user’s attention as well as provide immediate transparency to the inventory status of each item. At the click of a button, the user gets a complete overview of all items, characterized by the preconditions of a given insight, in the Items and Reports workspaces via yes/no filtering.

In the new AGR version, you also have now full control of sharing and assigning ownership of reports.

Click to watch the recordings from our live webinars: Master Your Data and Single Version of the Truth, where Elva Sif Ingólfsdóttir, Supply Chain Consultant at AGR Dynamics, demos the new features in the system. Discover other exciting features in the new version, like: Order Exceptions and ABC Classification.

If you wish to upgrade to the new AGR v6.3, please contact your consultant. If you want to learn more about how the AGR System can help optimize your inventory and improve efficiency, please fill out the form below.

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