Making the Right Ordering Decisions


februari 7, 2023
3 min read

Discover new features in AGR v6.3 that visually highlight deviations from the norm in order lines to help focus your attention.

Making the Right Ordering Decisions

When at its best, your supply chain should not only be effective but also efficient – two terms that have different meanings but are closely linked.  An efficient supply chain makes the best use of its resources – financial, human, technological, material, and natural. This minimizes waste in the supply chain, whether it is the waste of funds due to overstock, wasted opportunities due to stockouts, wasted time spent on repeatable tasks, or a drain of limited natural resources. Being effective means that all your efforts are in line with what the customer wants and is willing to pay for. By improving efficiency on top of effectiveness, you create a more synchronized supply chain, leaving more value for your stakeholders and your bottom line.

At AGR Dynamics, we have the tool you need to minimize waste in the supply chain ​by determining expected future demand and optimizing inventory levels to ​ensure maximum availability with minimum capital tied up in stock. ​We are constantly improving our solution and coming up with new and exciting features to enable your business to grow. In our latest release, AGR version 6.3, we are introducing new features that visually highlight deviations from the norm in order lines to help focus your attention and drive efficiency.

In the AGR system, we now have Flexible Ordering that enables the user to choose the order coverage when creating an order, regardless of the order coverage parameters behind the suppliers and items. This can be beneficial for a variety of reasons; for example, when you are planning time off, if your supplier will be closed over a holiday period, or it simply suits your business to choose the order coverage date as you order.

Another exciting new feature is called Order Exceptions, which highlights deviations from the norm in the order review process, both on order header and order line level. We provide visual alerts that flag order lines requiring your attention. The system comes with six standard exceptions and three levels of severity that work like traffic lights: blue means you should give it a glance, yellow signifies something to examine, and red alerts you to issues that need your immediate attention. Users also have full flexibility to define their own set of rules and customize order exceptions that fit your business’ needs.  

Finally, we have the Order Result Breakdown where we visualize the order proposal calculations. This adds transparency to the order formula and is a huge time-saver when reviewing the order proposals – enabling fast, fact-driven decision-making.

Click here to watch the recording from our live webinar: Making the right ordering decisions, where Elva Sif Ingólfsdóttir, Supply Chain Consultant at AGR Dynamics, demos the new features in the system. Discover other exciting features in the new version, like: Order Coverage Days and ABC Classification.

If you wish to upgrade to the new AGR v6.3, please contact your consultant. If you want to learn more about how the AGR System can help optimize your inventory and improve efficiency, please fill out the form below.

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