AGR at BDL Event


April 24, 2023
2 min read
AGR Inventory - Inventory management software

A few weeks ago, we attended BDL’s event, where several BDL customers were represented. We presented our powerful inventory optimisation solution that is perfectly compatible with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central / Dynamics NAV.  

We covered a wide range of topics from planning, purchasing & forecasting to ABC categorisation, S&OP and good flow management and much more! 

Many of the participants subsequently wanted a visit to their company to specifically hear to what extent they could make use of improved forecasting and procurement planning.

A great day was had by all, and we look forward to collaborating again with BDL in the near future! 

Take a look at some pictures from the event below:

AGR at BDL Event
AGR at BDL Event
AGR at BDL Event


For et par uger siden deltog vi i BDL’s arrangement, hvor flere BDL-kunder var repræsenteret. Vi præsenterede vores kraftfulde lageroptimeringsløsning, der er perfekt kompatibel med Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central / Dynamics NAV.

Vi dækkede en bred vifte af emner fra planlægning, indkøb & forecasting til ABC-kategorisering, S&OP og god flowstyring og meget mere!

Mange af deltagerne, har efterfølgende, ønsket et besøg i deres virksomhed for specifikt at høre, i hvilken grad, de kunne gøre brug af forbedret forecast og indskøbsplanlægning.

Det var en fantastisk dag, vi havde af alle, og vi ser frem til at samarbejde igen med BDL i den nærmeste fremtid!

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