Evenemang webbseminarier

Behärska din inventering med våra webbseminarier och evenemang

Lær af professionelle med over et kvart århundredes erfaring med forsyningskæder. Dækker emner som prognoser, ABC-analyser, hvordan inflation påvirker forsyningskæder og meget mere.

Customer Day
Den 18. marts.
Få styr på udfordringerne i forsyningskæden, før de opstår. Følg med live fra København og få ekspertindsigt og praktiske prognosestrategier til at optimere lagerstyring og være på forkant med markedsændringer. Gå ikke glip af denne chance for at lære, skabe kontakt og trives.

Fler evenemang

august 22, 2024
Transform your supply chain resilience with digitalisation. Watch our webinar to uncover the power of inventory optimisation software for agile forecasting and efficient planning. Watch on demand.
april 12, 2024
Learn why ABC analysis is crucial for inventory optimisation in our detailed webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Gain insights on maintaining accuracy and integrity in your data with our informative webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Join our webinar to discover new approaches to reshaping your supply chain for better resilience and efficiency.
marts 10, 2023
Enhance your data management skills for improved supply chain efficiency in our expert-led webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Learn how to manage uncertainty in your supply chain with effective strategies from AGR in this essential webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Master the art of making precise ordering decisions with our expert guidance in this comprehensive webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Discover effective techniques to enhance your promotional planning and execution in our next webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Refine your inventory management skills with our ABC analysis techniques in this targeted webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Learn strategies to recover and thrive in the post-COVID business landscape in our focused webinar.
marts 10, 2023
Learn how to allocate the right products to the right location at the right time in our webinar.
februar 8, 2023
Understand how inflation impacts the supply chain and strategies to mitigate its effects in our detailed webinar.

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